Introduction to OpenPose

OpenPose is a well established pose estimation. This tutorial will introduce you to to this technology, and help you better understand the basics, before you really dive into it.

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How Safe is Safe Enough

Some cars are often referred to as having a "5 star pedestrian safety rating". What does this mean. How safe is it really and how safe or unsafe does a car need to be to get a 1 star safety rating?

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Euler integration of kinematic differential equations for position and orientation

We can integrate kinematic differential equations to determine both 1) where an object will be and 2) what orientation it will have after a specified amount of time. In this post I describe the mathematical procedure, and implement the solution in Python.

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Computational modelling of a bouncing ball using differential equations of motion

Using differential equations of motion (EOMs) governed by Newton’s 2nd law we can describe the kinematics and dynamics of objects in motion. In this post I describe how EOMs can be calculated and applied programmatically for a simple case of a falling and bouncing ball with one translational degree of freedom.

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Non-uniqueness of the Euler axis in vector mapping

With a lack of complete basis vector representation for the two coordinate systems, there are an infinite number of rotation matrices, or axis-angle combinations that can be applied to achieve a desired vector mapping. However, here we define the constrained nature of the solution space.

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